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- Unilateral or bilateral tearing, often indoors and outdoors
- Crusty eyelids in the morning
- Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (see separate article).
- Acquired pre-saccal / post-saccal nasolacrimal duct obstruction
- Idiopathic, inflammations, medications especially cytostatics, radiation, trauma, mechanical, tumors, etc.
- Dry eye is as an important differential diagnosis (more outdoors than indoors, superficial punctate keratitis, reduced tear breakup time/Schirmer test
- Lid architecture
- Ectropion? Increased lid laxity / lower lid sagging / temporally lower?
- Lacrimal puncta:
- Open? Apposed? Covered by conjunctival folds (chalasis) or prominent caruncle?
- Pressure on the lacrimal sac: discharge of secretion?
- Fluorescein retention test: Instill fluorescein 2% into both eyes and compare the tear meniscus after 5 minutes
- Normally, only a small amount of fluorescein should be present
- Probing and irrigation of the lacrimal system
- Soft-stop (pre-saccal stenosis) or hard-stop (post-saccal stenosis)?
- Patency (does fluid reach the nose/throat)?
- Little or much resistance? (possibly partial stenosis)
- Reflux (clear fluid, mucus/pus?)
- location of stenosis in case of reflux + soft-stop:
- From the other lacrimal punctum: Stenosis in the common canaliculus
- From the same lacrimal punctum: Stenosis in the canaliculus
- Note: Anatomical variations exist in about 10% of patients.
- Dacryozystography + Dacryo-CT: Recommended before any dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
- Closed lacrimal punctum: Punctoplasty (3-snip or with Kelly punch)
- Problematic lid architecture: Consider lateral canthopexy
- Pre-saccal stenosis
- Partial: Consider probing / canalicular surgery
- Complete: Usually conjunctivo-DCR with Lester Jones tube
- Post-saccal stenosis: Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) externally (Toti) or endonasally (+ ENT).
- Partial: Consider probing and temporary insertion of a stent (e.g. Masterka)
- Kanski’s Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach; John E Salmon MD; Elsevier; 9th Edition (2019)
- Review of Ophthalmology: Neil J. Friedman; Peter K. Kaiser; William B. Trattler; Elsevier, 3rd Edition (2018)